Thursday, December 10, 2009

Electric - Electricity Meter

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In these days electricity meters have to be intended to offer greater correctness while using less power and including more features, as well as providing the flexibility to allow the developer to react quickly to changing market conditions. These factors make the microcontroller at the heart of any power meter ever more important.An electric meter or energy meter is a device that measures the amount of electrical energy supplied to or produced by a residence, business or machine.Electricity is a clean, convenient way to deliver energy. The electricity meter is how electricity providers measure billable services.

Electricity meters have therefore been devised that encourage users to shift their consumption of power away from peak times, such as mid afternoon, when many buildings turn on airconditioning.When it is expensive to store huge amounts of electricity it must usually be generated as it is needed. The most common unit of measurement on the electricity meter is the kilowatt hour, which is equal to the amount of energy used by a load of one kilowatt over a period of one hour, or 3,611,000 joules.Some electricity companies use the SI megajoule instead.

More electricity requires more generators, and so providers want consumers to avoid causing peaks in consumption.Electric meters are devices that measure the amount of electrical power used. They are typically used by power companies to measure how much electricity a household or apartment uses. The electric companies take readings on these electric meters, typically monthly, and charge the electricity user for the amount of power consumed for the month. Digital electric meters have numeric displays that show numbers in kilowatt hours. A kilowatt is equal to 1,000 watts. If you have a 100-watt that is turned on for one hour, then 100 watt hours or 0.1 kilowatt hours is consumed.

Lower power devices require to offer an increasing number of functions which can include larger on-chip memory to allow for the more complex software that will be required in future which will of course be on-chip flash to allow for dynamic reprogramming of the application or configuration data. The important function in a power meter is the accurate measurement of voltage and current to calculate the power in real time.

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